
About Our System

Zenex Central Vacuum Systems are designed to last the life of the house. This particular vacuum system can become a key asset to your home. Promoting a clean, healthy home and wellbeing, you’re guaranteed to fall in love with this Central vacuum system. The Zenex central vacuum parts fit all major brands. This means you can use our vacuum system or our vacuum system parts for any and all vacuum repairs. If your home does not have an already existing hose or accessories for a centralized vacuum unit, we would recommend looking into a complete vacuum attachment kit.

Our base in Western Mass allows us to have a vantage point for any traveling in regards to vacuum parts sales or repairs. We’re centrally located, and always ready and available. As with any machine with a motor, the ability to filter and prevent dirt from reaching the moving parts will greatly prolong the motor life. With this in mind, Zenex Central Vacuum System Power Units have permanent, self-cleaning Kant-Klog filter assemblies (except for model #300). If you have a Zenex vacuum system already installed in your home, but need a part for it or to repair it, we have all compatible products that’ll keep your system in top condition.

This filter never needs to be removed, cleaned, or handled in any way!


Central vacuum power is rated by measuring the suction (Waterlift), and airflow (Cubic feet per minute of air velocity- CFM) of a given vacuum motor. Below you will find the specifications for the Zenex Central Vacuum System Power Units.


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zenex central vacuum system with hose

Owner’s Manual

Click to download and read the 2015 Owner’s Manual